Evaluation Oprema

Welcome to your Evaluation Oprema

Name (Forname Surname) Company
Did the training meet my expectations?
The objectives of the training was clearly defined.
The topics covered where relevant to me.
This training experience will be useful in my work.
I will be able to apply the knowledge learned.
The training objectives for each topic were identified and followed.
The content was organised and easy to follow.
 The materials distributed were pertinent and useful.
The trainer was knowledgeable.
The quality of instruction was good.
The trainer met the training objectives.
Class interaction and participation was encouraged.
Adequate time was provided for questions and discussion.
The meeting room and facilities were adequate and comfortable.
How did you rate the training overall?
What did you like most about this training?
What aspects of the training could be improved?
How likely is it that you would recommend this training programme to a friend or a colleague?