DHSP Training

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SMD Plus has been designed to ignore which two of the following
Which analogue recorder is SMD Plus compatible?
SMD Plus upgrades requires which of the following
Is AI on an analogue system
Active Deterrence cameras use which of the following light
Active Deterrence include which two features
Active Deterrence have preconfigured alerts. How many?
Dahua PIR is used to detect
Which model is an analogue Active Deterrence camera?
Active Deterrence will be triggered by which of the two following
Which model is an Active Deterrence IP camera?
Which software works best with AI Perimeter Protection
NVR-I and Perimeter Protection requires which camera
What is the recommended height for Perimeter Protection?
What is an installation method that avoids dead zones is called?
Which is the Face Detection camera?
With DSS Express Hardware Decoding which component on the PC/Server is used?
What is the recommended mounting height for a FR camera?
How many AI channels does the NVR-I support?
IVSS stands for:
Which camera is suitable for ANPR Long Range?